My Wheel Chair by Wael Ibrahim


In April 2020, author Wael Ibrahim was struck with a severe slipped disc. Pinned to the ground for hours, then wheelchair-bound for months, he was unable to stand or even pay a visit to the toilet. The pain was excruciating, leaving him mentally and emotionally disturbed. Lost sleep led to agitation, frustration, and a sense of hopelessness that he had never experienced before.

For Wael, being in a state of constant physical and mental pain consumed him. He wanted to give up. But he discovered the strength to turn things around.

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In his work as founder of the Aware Academy, and as a certified master life coach and student counsellor at the Australian Islamic College, Wael has helped people of all ages overcome obstacles and find their purpose. In particular, the connection between his teachings and the spirituality of Islam have inspired Muslims across Australia and around the world to live with positivity and faith. This book goes a step further, offering a deeply personal account of Wael’s own journey of recovery from the depths of despair. Part self-help guide, part motivational story, you will gain powerful insights into how you too can find the strength within to overcome even the most immense physical and mental challenges that come your way.

Alongside Wael’s personal story, you’ll find carefully selected references to the Qur’an, which allow you to find a deeper meaning in your own situation and religion. As you are guided along a path to freedom from the difficulties that are holding you back, you will gain the inspiration needed to live your best life.

As Wael discovered during his time in a wheelchair, the pain, hardship, torture, fear, and sleepless nights were a necessary part of the journey that has led him to where he is today. And if you are prepared to do the work and take it one step at a time, anything is possible.


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